Thursday 12 July 2012

Classroom updates!

Hi guys!

Ok, so far we have done these:

1) Unit worksheet entitled " There's a Boy Under My Bed!" I love this story as it has a twist to it.( to page 7)

2) We have completed our Focus Worksheet on " Report Card Days." To be handed in tomorrow, Friday.

3) We also managed to write a compositon entitled " Incident In The Kitchen." Most of you managed it within the time allocated. That's great! Before that, we used the CONCEPT MAP to do our planing.

4) Science : We have started on Magnets and done several experiments. Still awaiting for some of you to submit you INTERACTIONS process skills booklet so we can get started on that.

5) Art IMASS: WOW! We were doing CUBISM art! aka Picasso's cubism! It was fun exploring how picasso created his masterpieces using geometric shapes and depicted from different perspectives...

6) Tomorrow's  Computer lab session, we are going to take some science Quiz!

Will keep you guys updated!


JISELLE :D said...

Okie dokie!

Clara said...


Janelle said...
