Tuesday 22 May 2012

Week 10 : Project Week

Dear class,

It's PROJECT WEEK time and we are going to embark on a step-by-step problem solving journey.

As we know of the scenario, we are Mansy's sibling and supposed to help him with his messy room problem...Here are some good internet resources that I'm going to share with you that might help...

1. IKEA website
Do check out how they share ideas on how to keep rooms organized.

I love this pigeon-hole shelves... What do you think it can be used for to solve our problem?
EXPEDIT Shelving unit IKEA Finished on all sides; can be used as a room divider.

2. Oprah's organising guru shares his tips to DECLUTTER

Check out this youtube video on how this expert help to sort out things for people who hoards!!!
 Click on this link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j59150pDEsw&feature=related

Another video: A very organized Home.
Check out this video as well! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C2nB7eRdtmQ&feature=fvwrel

I find this small space room idea is simply lovely...

3. You can invent/create your OWN storage ideas!!!
4. Posters as reminders...
e.g: NO FOOD or DRINKS allowed
NO Clothes on the floor...
5. Create labels!!!

Good luck ! Refer to the Worksheet as much as possible and let's work towards solving the problems!!!

Wednesday 16 May 2012

IMASS class updates

Dear class,

Here's to clarify in case of some uncertainty about IMASS classes ...


Cancellations forms have been given out last week Friday to notify your parents to acknowledge. Thanks.

Ms Juliarti

Friday 11 May 2012

Get well soon, HUI TING!

Dear class,

As we know, our dear friend has been away from school due to an unfortunate incident. After my visit yesterday, I'm glad to see that she's coping well even though she's in bandages and has to walk with crutches. What a strong girl she is! We would like to wish Hui Ting a speedy recovery and hope to see her soon!
We miss you Hui Ting!

Tuesday 8 May 2012

Keep healthy from now till exams are over...

Hey guys,

As we mugg through this stressful exam period, do remember to take very god care of your health...
When we are facing stress, our body's immune system will drop. Which means, we can fall ill much easier if we OVERSTRESS ourselves.

Do drink lots of water, take vitamin C and SLEEP WELL at night.
Try your best to MANAGE your time well.
There are times we get to rest, sleep, relax, play and there are times we work very hard & sacrifice some fun times...

And just to share something with you....

My favourite health drink
(see that "secret" ingredient?)

just for laughs...

May Newsletter

Dear class,

I believe that you guys have received a copy of May's newsletter this morning.
Here's just an extract of the Newsletter. To view the entire copy, please go to our school website.
With effect from 1 March 2012, students with a gross monthly household income of not more
than $2,500 (up from $1,500) are eligible for FAS. They also qualify for FAS if their per
capita household income is not more than $625.
If your child/ward qualifies for MOE FAS, please obtain an application form from the school
office. If you have any questions regarding FAS, please contact Mr Stanley Kam, the
Administrative Manager at 6456-0340, or contact us through email at

Road Safety
We would like to express our appreciation to parents and guardians who have observed the
safety measures when sending the children to school and picking them home from school.
To ensure the safety of our pupils at all times, we would like to appeal to all parents and
guardians to continue working with the school and our traffic wardens to reinforce the
importance of road safety to their children.

Eat With Your Family 2012
In support of the Eat with Your Family 2012, an annual event by the Centre for Fathering, all
school activities and timetabled lessons will end at 5.00 p.m. on
and P2 pupils will be dismissed at 5.00 p.m. to have dinner with their families. The school
bus company has been informed of the early dismissal. For pupils who are not taking the
school buses, please make the necessary transport arrangement for school dismissal at
5.00 p.m.
Friday, 25 May 2012. All P1

National Family Celebrations 2012 (NFC-2012)
The National Family Celebrations is an annual national event organised by the National
Family Council (NFC), with the aim to promote, strengthen and celebrate families. This event
is strongly supported by the MCYS and MOE. This year, the NFC-2012 would be held from
25 May
information on the event and its activities can be found on http://www.nfc.sg/.

Ms Juliarti
23 Jun 2012, with the theme “Family Time Odyssey: Past. Present. Future”.

The Ministry of Education provides financial assistance to needy Singapore Citizen students
in Government or Government-aided schools so that all Singaporeans, regardless of their
financial background, can benefit from the best opportunities in education.

Friday 4 May 2012

Wishing all my Buddhists friends & students...


Long Weekend Homework

Dear class,

Please complete Science Activity from page 38 onwards, till the end of the book...
These are very good revision questions!

Have a good weekend!

Ms Juliarti

Revise revise revise

Dear class,

Hope you are well into your own self-revision at home...
Do refer to your Unit Worksheets & companion booklets.

On exams days, as mentioned by our VP, Ms Chau, please bring your texts and files for revision.
E.g: Bring Maths /MT books if the exam is on the next day. Timetables will be suspended and we do not wish to see any student wasting precious school hours, just idling away....


Ms Juliarti

TUESDAY's Agenda ( Monday is a sch hol remember?)

Dear class,

We will be going through the higher-order thinking Worksheet on Tuesday.
So please don't forget to bring your copies.
We will be finishing up the Science Activity Book as well...

Happy revising for your exam guys!!!

Ms Juliarti