Monday 30 April 2012

Science class test

Dear class,

We have survived a mock Science test today. *phew*
Hope you guys had a feel of how it looks like & have a rough idea where  you are in
your content knowledge & time management.

The Science Higher-Order Thinking Worksheet is to stretch your mind a little, as you apply
applicative knowledge on Science. As you now already know, Science is not just about memorizing the facts but also knowing how to apply these info/knowledge accordingly.

Have a good Labour Day break. See you guys on WEDNESDAY!

Ms Juliarti

IMASS is still on this week

Dear class,

Please be informed that there is still IMASS this week.
Suspension starts next week, which is week 8 & week 9.

Friday 27 April 2012

Exploring LMS during Computer Lab session

YAY!!! We all are enjoying the LMS portal!!!
Tell me what you think about it. Is it useful? Is it fun?
What do you like about it?
Which is your favourite subject / lesson in LMS?
Share with us your views!

Happy Birthday HUNG!!!

Class, join me in wishing HUNG a very happy BIRTHDAY!!!

& many thanks to HUNG's MUMMY for bringing us the yummy cheese cake & chocolate cake!!!


Wednesday 25 April 2012

ORAL confirmation

Since school ends a 12.30pm on Thursday,
lunch will be from 12.30 -1.00.

SA1 SCHEDULE - For your reference

Dear class,

Below is a snapshot of the SA1 schedule. It is extracted from the school newsletter given to you guys on 30 March 2012.

Tuesday 24 April 2012

Class please be reminded that there is
no IMASS class tomorrow.

(25 APRIL 2012)

Science : Materials : POLYESTER

Dear class,

Some of us were new this man-made fabric/material called polyester... Below are just examples of polyester clothes..

As you can see, some are work overalls (blue one), while some are fashionable clothes which also have some percentage of polyester fabric in them.
These clothes maybe partially or 100% polyester. Usually, its a mixture of this and other materials like cotton or spandex (another man-made material) Do some research on your own and we discuss it in class!

Files! Files! Files! FRIDAY

Dear class,

We will start to do our filing on FRIDAY.
So please bring your ENG & SCIENCE files.
If you have any hole puncher, it would be useful to bring one.
Please don't bring a big, heavy one.
The worksheets are all in the class and I will help to punch the holes on your worksheets using
a heavy duty hole puncher....

Let's carry this out efficiently & effectively so that you can collate your worksheets well for SA1 revision!

Ms Juliarti

Class photography session 30 APRIL

Dear class,

Please be informed that there will be a class photography session on
Our time slot is at 8.10am and I will bring us to the hall.
Do make sure that you are in presentable form...

Ms Juliarti

Oral matters on THURS. Please read...

Dear class,

I know there have been concerns about transport arrangments on that day.
Stated is that oral ends at 4.30. What that means is that, 4.30 would be the latest time, the worst case scenario. Pupils taking the 3.30 school bus home may be allowed to go for oral first.
I will need to know who these pupils are and we will need to make some arrangements on our side.

PLEASE ASSEMBLE in the HALL by 1.20pm.
Teachers will bring you to the respective classrooms.

Groupings are as follows:
GROUP E1 : Reg no 1-17
GROUP E2 : Reg no 18- 33
GROUP E3 : Reg no 34 - 38

Do remember:
  1.  to greet your invigilator (the teacher testing you)
  2. ask permission to sit (because the teacher maybe still recording marks for previous student)
  3. tell the teacher your NAME ( the teacher is NOT me and most probably does not know who you are)
  4. only start reading when the teacher asks you to (if you simply start and jump on it, the invigilator may not be ready to listen & award marks)
  5. after it's over, don't forget your  manners and thank the teacher...

Ms Juliarti

Monday 23 April 2012


Dear class,

Please be reminded that we will be writing a picture compo in class tomorrow.
Get your fullscap paper ready for that.
And today, you are given a woksheet for ORAL practice. We will be
covering that tomorrow as well.

Our compo SA1 is this FRIDAY... so let's get ready ourselves ready for this!

Ms Juliarti

Friday 20 April 2012

Bring Process Skills Booklet on Monday

Dear class,

Thanks to those who have submitted them today.
For the rest, please bring yours on MONDAY.
For Science next week, we will be going through all our Science worksheets.
(The worksheets are in class). Hope you guys can give good attention during lessons
as we are revising for our exams as we ao through our papers....

Don't forget to learn WEEK 6 spelling!

Ms Juliarti

YAY! We all managed to access the LMS portal!


Now we can easily learn through this portal anytime, anywhere!

Do use this platform as I myself find the lessons fun and interactive too!
BTW, do you know there are GAMES as well in LMS? They are highly academic of course but FUN!!!

Ms Juliarti

Thursday 19 April 2012

Log in to LMS asknlearn portal

Dear class,

Today, please try to log on to the online portal that every student in Anderson Pri (yes, including you)
have subscribed to:

click on the link below:

google it using these words:
lms asknlearn

Don't forget to select:
click on PRIMARY

This is how the log-in page looks like

Username & password are your BC number. Please get your parents to help you if you are unsure about this.
Should you face any problems logging in, please inform me tomorrow. It would be useful if you have your BC number with you for reference.

Ms Juliarti

Wednesday 18 April 2012

7 School Days to Composition SA1

Dear class,

Yesterday, we managed to write another composition in class. We attempted a picture composition & the scenario was about a group of boys who went out to the beach and one of them almost drowned.

Some of the difficulties students faced when writing composition are:

1. No idea how to begin
2. How to make story interesting
3. How to write in a cohesive manner and flows well
4. How to include some goods & phrases appropriately

I also showed you the rubrics, means the making scheme. Composition is 20 marks and 12 is for content while 8 is for language. I've explained and elaborated what all this means.

Be prepared to write another composition next Tuesday, 24 April in class. This time we will practice on Situational composition writing.

I will be posting more on other exam matters...Till then, take care!

Ms Juliarti


Dear class,

Please be informed that your oral exams will be held on
1.30pm - 4.30pm

Your oral exams will be held in Pri 5.7, 5.6  5.5 classrooms. Its on level 3.Please be there by 1.20pm sharp and read your story book quietly while you wait for your turn.
The teachers in charge on that day will direct you further.

You may leave for home immediately after your oral exam...

Monday 16 April 2012

Don't forget...for TUESDAy 17 APRIL


Here's some reminders:

For tomorrow (TUESDAy 17 APRIL)
Please bring your:
1) Science Process Skills Booklet (COMPLETED of course)
2) Listening Compre Book
3) Compo File

Have a great day,

Ms Juliarti

Oral 101 PART 2

Remember how we USUALLY start our picture discussion....
(BTW now, invigilators want to hear students DISCUSS & TALK about the picture, rather than simply

1. This picture depicts a scene of/at/....
2. This pictures shows a scene of...

Then you pick a point of interest and talk about it and don't forget to include:
- I think he/she should do that because....
- I don't think he/she should be doing that because
- I think it is not appropriate /right to do that because
- I think he/she is doing the right thing because...

General picture discussion starting phrases:
-  I can see ...
- There is a ....
-  Next to the...
- Near the ... there is a ...

Continue to describe & discuss as much as you can from the picture and try NOT to let the invigilator PROMPT you.

If you feel youhave more or less completed...

End with:
- In conclusion.... the people in this picture...
- In conclusion, I can see that...

Hope this helps,
Ms Juliarti

Oral 101 PART 1

We have been practicing for ORAL exams and here are what we have learnt so far:

It is made up of 3 components: Reading (6 marks), Picture Discussion (5 marks) & Conversation (5 marks) total 16 marks

The three will most likely be linked by a common theme, for example, if the passage is about travelling, the picture discussion and the conversation will also be somewhat about that.

Week 6 Matters

Dear class,

We're in Week 5 now and next week, which is week 6 of the term, we will having our oral SA1.
Please be reminded that there will be NO REMEDIAL or IMASS class...
Oral days will be confirmed by this week, whether you are down for Wednesday or Thursday's slot.
Till then, take care!

Ms Juliarti

Important SA1 matters

Dear pupils,

Here's some important SA1 details for your reference:
Dear P3 Parents / Guardians,

Please take note of the dates and topics to be tested for Semestral Assessment 1 (SA1).

Date of Assessment
Topics to be tested

25 & 26 April 2012
(*Dates vary for different classes)
(Paper 2 Only)
Unit 1: A Kitten for the King
Unit 2: Fearless Phil
Unit 3: The Sunflower that went FLOP
Unit 4: The Wolf’s Story
Unit 5: The Mystery of the Big Wig
Unit 6: The Gruffalo
Unit 7: Stephanie Investigates
Unit 8: Thank You, Mr.T!
27 April 2012 (Fri)
Listening Comprehension
30 April 2012 (Mon)
Paper 2
9 May 2012 (Wed)

10 May 2012 (Thurs)
Unit 1: Numbers to 10 000
Unit 2: Addition and Subtraction within 10 000
Unit 3: Multiplication Tables
Unit 4: Multiplication & Division
Unit 5: Money

11 May 2012
Unit 1 – 9
Unit 1 – 6
Unit 1 – 6

14 May 2012
Unit 1: Living & Non-Living Things
Unit 2: Animals
Unit 3: Plants
Unit 4: Fungi and Bacteria
Unit 5: Materials
Social Studies Test
15 May 2012
Unit 1 - 3

The formats of the SA1 papers (English, Mathematics & Science) are as follows:


16 marks
20 marks
Listening Comprehension
14 marks
Section A: Vocabulary MCQ
6 marks
Section B: Grammar MCQ
8 marks
Section C: Comprehension MCQ
10 marks
Section D: Grammar Cloze
8 marks
Section E: Vocabulary Cloze
4 marks
Section F: Editing for Punctuation and Spelling
2 marks
Section G: Synthesis
2 marks
Section H: Comprehension Open-Ended
10 marks
Duration of paper: 1hr 15min
100 marks

Section A (MCQ): 20 questions X 2 marks
40 marks
Section B (Short Answer): 20 questions x 2 marks
40 marks
Section C (Problem Sums): 5 questions x 4 marks
20 marks
Duration of paper: 1hr 45min
100 marks

Booklet A (MCQ): 30 questions X 2 marks
60 marks
Booklet B (Short Answer/Open-Ended): 14 questions
40 marks
Duration of paper: 1hr 30min
100 marks